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Strategic Leadership

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Leveraging Strategic Leadership Skills for market differentiation

Strategic Leadership in business focusses on manager’s potential to express a Strategic Leadership vision and persuade others to pursue that vision.

What is the premise of Strategic Leadership and management in Bodhih’s workshops?

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.

Strategic Leadership is a vital attribute in today’s relentless paced business environment. It creates a wider base for innovative thinking to be demonstrated. The other critical skill that strategic leaders bring forth is the value of combining human insights with data in decision making that over time creates a company culture that values transparency.

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What is the importance of Strategic Leadership?

We understand that Strategic Leadership helps determine goals for the department and organization and also formulate strategies that are related to these goals. But what are the personal attributes that differentiate a strategic leader?

Bodhih’s workshop on Strategic Leadership is a vital meeting point of seasoned trainers.

Sharing finer points on Strategic Leadership, in a discussion-rich class of experienced participants that brings insights for all to benefit. At the end of the session, learners comprehend the multiple facets and deep impacts Strategic Leadership has on a company’s performance.

Strategic Leadership definition is a self-developmental journey that assists the leader to distribute responsibilities, encourage open and transparent communication, create multiple paths for seeking ideas and testing them, and also develop opportunities for finding and training leaders.

Beginning with a learner activity and facilitator led presentation, the class receives an overview of the thinking that balances a focused analytical perspective with the human dimension of strategy coupled with a commitment of management time to engage the entire business in a strategy dialogue that lays foundation for building winning organizations that define, commit, adapt to strategy quickly. The main takeaway is to see success as a different way to measure resources in organizations to formulate and execute strategy.

At Bodhih, Strategic Leadership development program is a popular session that is part of a larger leadership skills training suite.

The session draws richly from leadership skills research and literature anchored on personal growth journeys.

Strategic Leadership in business sessions, through videos and facilitator based discussions asks learners to think through both dimensions (analytical and human emotions) and find winning ways to integrate these two distinct approaches in creating an organization that is committed to the common agenda of delivering on market growth and fulfilling on stakeholder expectations.

If one cannot measure something, then how does one influence it? If one does not have a standard reference, then how does successful communication happen?

Bodhih’s Strategic Leadership development sessions explores standardized vocabulary and participants are guided to focus on aligning mechanisms of language and tools that defines entities like – “What does X mean? Why and when is X used? Is X necessary in developing strategy and building ownership understanding over time?”

The resultant group discussions brings out vital aspects of practical understanding on how to broaden senior leadership mind-sets by creating a common context of both “what” and “why”. This is the primary focal area that learners take away, comprehending that is the main contributor of strategic uniformity across diverse organizational teams.

The heart of the Bodhih’s Strategic Leadership and management workshop lies in the powerful session that talks of how to raise bar for building Strategic Leadership in the middle of the organization.

This powerful session delivered through video and class presentations and including individual and group activity teaches the learners on building methods to sustain widespread strategy dialogues, and also localize strategy stories at the lower levels of the organization by helping basic questions to be asked – “what does this mean to me and for my team”?

The importance of Strategic Leadership is about primarily moving the “we/they” line across the heart of a company.

The workshop delves into organizational dimensions to highlight the long-term profitable aspects of embracing a collective (“we”) sense of failure or victory by working together to seek and achieve strategic vision.

How would you gain from India’s best Strategic Leadership in business workshops at Bodhih’s?

Bodhih’s customizes its Strategic Leadership development sessions along the ADDIE model. Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, the Strategic Leadership workshop takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

The edge in Bodhih’s Strategic Leadership management program comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights that ensures Strategic Leadership program learnings are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long-term benefits are to institutionalise Strategic Leadership development programs by embedding goal setting practices, imbibing a deeper understanding of market knowledge and targeting both the emotional and analytical capabilities needed to excel.

What is Bodhih’s promise on Strategic Leadership and management training courses?

Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on Strategic Leadership talk of the changed individual and team behaviours, namely, enhanced loyalty to vision through their words and actions, keeping updated by various formal and informal sources of information and finally making wiser uses of power by skilfully navigating through challenges and leveraging the power of ideas (as opposed to power) in their influence processes.

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