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Off my plate – Effective Delegation Techniques.

Table of Contents

Master effective delegation skills & techniques

Effective delegation workshop is about effective delegation skills by realizing that deciding what not to do, is as important as deciding what to do.

Delegation is a powerful managerial competency that allows you to multiply available time, aim for superior results, grow employee morale and skills, develop parallel competencies in the organization and leverage the collective productivity.

The American war hero and general, Patton said “Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do, and let them surprise you with their results”

Where does the effective delegation definition come from?

In today’s hyper speed and hyper specialized marketplace, leaders are asked to take decisions, often strategic ones, without the luxury of data and insight exploration exercises or deep dives. It is then imperative for leaders to be able to delegate tasks and goals to other Managers, and professionals in the company. For one, it builds trust and two it helps in co-evolving the final initiative, goal, plan, or outcome. But Delegation is not a series of simple steps like: saying “learn to let go”, “explain what you are delegating”, “Delegate responsibility but authority too” “provide resources and training”

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Delegation is a science in itself. It is a shift of decision making authority, from one organizational level to another. It is the cornerstone of good management practices and has a noticeable multiplier effect without dip in quality standards.

Bodhih’s workshop on Effective Delegation techniques is a vital program that lays open the basics and specifics of everything a corporate professional needs to know about the science of Delegation.

Be it Delegation concepts (approach, challenges, opportunities), Delegation Dynamics (SMART approach, Follow up steps), The steps of delegations, The intensity of Delegation or the finer points of Delegation execution, the workshop is aimed at anyone who wants to master effective delegation skills

In a discussion-rich class led by an experienced facilitator, participants are encouraged to bring their real work examples and associated insights for all to discuss and benefit. At the end of the session, learners comprehend multiple facet and deep impact that effective delegation skills have on a company performance.

In essence, effective delegation and empowerment by definition is a self-invitation for the leader to face the fear of delegation, and build positively across the department or company by adopting an equitable strategy to delegate the right task to the right person at the right time in the right way.

Bodhih’s workshop focuses on these outcomes and uses an effective delegation approach and steps to brief people on what and how delegation works best.

Beginning with a learner activity and facilitator led presentation, the class receives an overview of what is and what is NOT delegation. Delegation is not abdication of responsibility, but a staged approach of passing a task so that the delegating leader can focus on higher value tasks. The main takeaway of the session is to comprehend the fine line of effective delegation.

At Bodhih, Effective Delegation process and skills is a popular program that is part of a larger leadership skills training suite.

The session draws richly from contemporary research on delegation practices and also literature anchored on personal growth journeys

Effective Delegation Skills for Managers thereafter with videos and facilitator-based discussions asks learners to think through the various approaches of Delegation.

From “Do as I say” to “Look into this” to “Give me your advice, I will decide” to “Explore, Decide and Check with me”, “Explore and decide within these limits” and finally to “Take care of it for me”, Effective Delegation Skills has approaches that have distinct implications and impacts on your control and time. Participants through class based activities, deliberate on the criticality of using approaches appropriately for situations and also mapping the benefits to the employee and the organization in the process.

If one cannot understand the challenges of delegation in detail, then how does one influence it?

If one does not have a map to see the source of the delegation challenge, then how does one successfully overcome it?

Bodhih’s Effective Delegation Skills from a Manager/Leader’s perspective, learners explore the sources of delegation challenge – if it comes from the supervisor, subordinates or the organization itself. With deep dives through class activity and group discussions, Bodhih’s facilitator reflects on how obstacles in the delegation process can be eliminated through proven industry best practices. It discusses the managerial characteristics needed for resolving conflicts that come because of ineffective delegation skills.”

The class next participates in an activity by journaling live delegation scenarios and choosing the appropriate approach, and the relevant execution strategy.

The heart of the Bodhih’s workshop is in the powerful session that talks of Effective Delegation Dynamics and the associated SMART concept.

This powerful session delivered through worksheet activity and class presentations teaches the learners on building delegation plans that specific, measurable, agreed, realistic and time-bound. There are start and end dates and times and also the additional comments to be captured in the participant worksheets.

Bodhih’s Effective Delegation training workshop next deep dives into the 9 step Delegation process. Participants are walked through a comprehensive framework that addresses the multi-dimensional features intrinsic to a successful delegation.

How would you gain from India’s best effective delegation techniques workshops at Bodhih?

Bodhih customizes its effective delegation techniques and skills program along the ADDIE model. Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, the Effective Delegation Skills for managers workshop takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

The edge in Bodhih’s Effective Delegation Skills sessions comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights that ensures Effective Delegation program learnings are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long term benefits are to institutionalise Effective delegation techniques by embedding broader understanding of effective approaches and delegation.

What is the Bodhih’s promise on Effective Delegation process training courses?

Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on effective delegation techniques talk of the changed individual and team behaviours, namely, lesser levels of delegation insecurity and a heightened awareness (leading to proactive action) of the delegation challenges that can come due to ineffective practices.





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