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Increasing Operational Effectiveness

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Operational excellence, operational effectiveness, operational efficiency

Increasing Operational Effectiveness includes productivity practices, focus on quality management, and incorporating efficiency metrics as a strategy tool.

Bodhih’s workshop on Operational excellence is about measuring operational efficiency and continually asking the question “how to increase operational efficiency?”

Operational excellence is a multi-disciplinary approach to build productivity practices, focus on quality management, and incorporating efficiency metrics as a strategy tool.

Total quality management. Benchmarking. Time-based competition. Reengineering. Change management. The quest for productivity, quality, and speed has spawned a remarkable number of management tools and techniques.

The resulting operational improvements have often been dramatic. Yet many companies have failed to translate those gains into sustainable profitability. Simply improving operational effectiveness does not provide a robust competitive advantage because rarely are “best practice” advantages sustainable. Once a company establishes a new best practice, its rivals tend to copy it quickly. Strategy is about doing things differently, not simply doing them better than everyone else. And it’s the key to competitive advantage.

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The workshop on increasing operational excellence conducted by Bodhih’s helps participants develop aspects of operational effectiveness like quality or hygiene, business etiquette, interpersonal skills, and time management to name a few.

How to improve operational effectiveness is another way of asking How to improve operation performance: the answer lies in optimization.

Bodhih’s workshop talks in detail of the aspects of organizational excellence – like focusing on quality management, incorporating global best practices, learning to use efficiency as a strategic tool, delivering value by being more efficient, translating operational improvements into profits, using operational efficiency as a competitive advantage, assimilating, attaining and extending best practices, creating an USP and finally doing things differently to deliver value.

Operation effectiveness and Strategy go hand in hand.

Operational excellence session helps participants to understand the primary drivers of quality and hygiene in the client workplaces. Bodhih’s Facilitator uses group activity, class presentations, individual reflection activity to surface how participants can understand about a product, market and a customer perceptions basis the focus that is placed on quality and attention to details. Operational excellence and executing its line items are a tenured skill because it brings together productivity techniques, product or service knowledge, market understanding around 4P’s (place, promotion, product and pricing) and also how to convert the unique moments of truth into tangible offerings.

Operational excellence workshop takes into account building blocks needed to build business etiquette.

Bodhih’s operational efficiency session delayers business etiquettes into behaviour and mannerisms, presentability, and grooming. Through class presentations, videos, and group discussions, the Bodhih’s facilitator lays out basics’ skills associated with business etiquettes like – communication, interpersonal behaviour, meeting preparations, note-making, social rules, conflict resolution. Learners in role plays work on a few of these nuances to comprehend what it means to make positive and professional impression in client situations.

Bodhih’s facilitator explains the relationship between increasing operational excellence and interpersonal skills. Through videos, and real-world illustrations, participants get a refresher on how to communicate their points in effective ways by demonstrating positive mindset and active listening techniques for discovering moments of truth. Learners make a note of the personal insights and the possibilities they can take back to apply on their client situations.

Bodhih’s increasing operational efficiency program next delves into time management. Scenarios and role plays are used to surface situational variables of time, task, relationships, expectations, quality, costs and finally value. Class learners through presentations, group discussions and individual reflection are made to grasp the circular nature of time and how time management techniques are non-negotiable to deliver on client expectations. Examples are given for participant to cultivate time-sensitivity in their daily actions

Bodhih’s facilitators are seasoned professionals who create linkages between skills picked up in the workshops and then to apply them in participant’s current roles.

This is done through specific illustrations and analogies and is true for the sessions at Operational excellence – using efficiency as a strategic tool.

At Bodhih, increasing operational excellence course is a much sought-after session that is part of a larger corporate skills training suite.

The session brings latest research done on operational excellence, and its successful practices sourced from product and services companies across the globe and also, the management consulting companies through their case studies.

The heart of Bodhih’s Operational excellence lies in the powerful session adherence to operational standardization and consistency practices. Bodhih’s facilitator highlights through real world situations for the learners to understand the strategic lens of building predictability into their routine transactions. The final part of the session is Operational Excellence through knowledge management. The session progresses through individual reflection and instructor led presentation that finally wraps the workshop with details on how to summarize and consolidate the personal insights, class observations, action plan and a note to myself that visualises future success.

How would you gain from India’s best operational efficiency courses at Bodhih?

Bodhih customizes its operational excellence workshop along the ADDIE model. Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, the operational effectiveness program takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

The edge in Bodhih’s operational excellence program comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights. The workshop takeaways ensure that learnings are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long-term benefits are to embed specific quality and hygiene appreciation processes, incorporating business etiquettes, time management techniques and applying standardization protocols to daily work outcomes.

What is Bodhih’s promise on increasing operational excellence workshops?

Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on increasing operational effectiveness talk of the changed individual and team behaviours, namely, demonstrating higher appreciation of quality mindset, larger appetite to employ organizational best practices of knowledge management and sharing and finally, creating a unique vocabulary by using organization efficiency metrics for strategic gains.

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