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Working Together for Success

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Working together in teams, Working together for success

Working together is a workshop about enhancing communication skills, taking ownership, team work and collaboration.

“Coming together is a beginning, Working together is success”

How to improve effectiveness at work?

It has been seen that workplaces that encourage and breed teamwork are generally productive and happy workplaces. In terms of corporate development, teamwork exercises are important not for the immediate experience of the activities performed by the team, but also for the group skills, communication bonding that result.

Bodhih’s workshop on working together brings teams closer and increases the overall effectiveness of the workplace through a host of games and team activities.

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Working together through collaboration is a prime essential in today’s ever-changing business landscape where human capital diversity is essential for claiming smarter ideas and executing flawlessly for gaining market share.

Bodhih’s workshop on working together in teams is designed to use communication skills to be more effective, of learning about effective goal setting, about removing barriers to productivity at work, about improving leadership skills and motivation levels and finally, thinking more creatively.

The learning outcomes of Bodhih’s workshop on work effectiveness includes improving morale and leadership skills, finding barriers that thwart creativity, that clearly defines objectives and goals, improves processes and procedures and finally, improves organisational productivity.

Bodhih Training Working Together For Success working together,Work effectiveness,Working together in teams,Working together for success

Bodhih’s workshop on working together in teams is a vital program that lays open the basics and specifics of everything a corporate professional needs to know about the work effectiveness for success.

Be it communication aspects, delegation concepts (approach, challenges, opportunities), assertiveness, taking ownership, understanding the trust dynamics in a team, goal setting, managing performance, or leading with empathy and the required coaching skills, Bodhih’s program on working together for success is a much sought after program.
In a discussion-rich class led by an experienced Bodhih’s facilitator participants are encouraged to bring their real work examples and associated insights for all to discuss and benefit. At the end of the session, learners comprehend multiple facets and deep impacts that work effectiveness can have on a company performance.

Bodhih’s working together training program is focussed on team building skills but in a contemporary manner of speaking.

The act of working together by definition is a self-invitation for the group to understand how inter-functional communication works. Through facilitator led discussion, group activity, and videos with debrief, the leaders communicate the gravitas of the position that they hold and convey the right message in the right manner. The importance of communication in gaining trust and commitment of your team is brought to the fore front.

Through role plays, learners are exposed to the fact that assertive communications combine diplomacy and trust in when teams work together for success.

Bodhih’s workshop focuses on the act of working together and the outcomes. It delayers collaboration skills and techniques step by step to guide participants on what taking ownership means and how?

Beginning with a learner activity and facilitator led presentation, the class receives an overview of what is and what is NOT ownership. The quality that distinguishes leaders from managers is this very ability and more importantly the willingness of assuming ownership. The main takeaway of the session is to comprehend the primary ways to facilitate ownership taking. Working together in teams understands the essential trait that revolves around individual and group ownership.

At Bodhih, working together for success course is a popular program that is part of a larger leadership skills training suite.

The session draws richly from contemporary research on advantages of working together as a team in the workplace and also literature anchored on positive psychology and personal growth journeys

work effectiveness training thereafter with videos and facilitator-based discussions asks learners to think through the various approaches of teamwork.

Participants through class-based activities, and facilitator led discussions deliberate on the differences between individual contributors and teamwork. Bodhih’s facilitator through videos brings alive the criticality of building and keeping teams together and the role a manager plays in achieving a balance between individual contribution and working together as a team for success.

Bodhih’s working together for success as a team workshop learner explore the sources of team building challenge – personality styles, learning styles, communication styles and the various rhythms a team goes through when it binds and bonds. With deep dives through class activity and group discussions, Bodhih’s facilitator reflects on how obstacles in the team building process can be eliminated through proven industry best practices. Primary point in the discussion and the main takeaway of the segment is the managerial characteristics needed for resolving conflicts when groups work together for success.

The heart of Bodhih’s workshop lies in the powerful session that talks of building team cohesion.

This powerful session delivered through worksheet activity and class presentations teaches the learners on building dynamics and rhythms that takes into consideration the understanding of various personality styles and ways cohesion principles of respect and recognition are to be implemented.

How would you gain from India’s best working together for success programs at Bodhih?

Bodhih customizes its work effectiveness program along the ADDIE model. Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, the working together in teams workshop takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

The edge in Bodhih’s working together in team programs comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights that ensures work effectiveness session learnings are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long-term benefits are to institutionalise the working together techniques by embedding broader understanding of effective approaches to team building.

What is Bodhih’s promise on working together in teams courses?

Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on work effectiveness talk of the changed individual and team behaviours, namely, higher degree of team cohesion and a heightened awareness (leading to proactive action) to assertive communication, active listening, and willingly accept ownership of the tasks and teams.

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