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Conflict Management

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How to master conflict management techniques at the workplace?

Master conflict management strategies in the workplace to manage conflict in the workplace scenarios. Learn your individual competition management style. Add proven successful competition resolution techniques

The competition in workplaces or even familiar home environments are common and inevitable. Conflict is described as a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one. This Competition Management definition may be simple, but the negative impacts of a conflict are not. Strained relationships, plunging productivity and distracted attention are only three immediate after-effects of a conflict. Competition is complex and to resolve them needs a high understanding of the context and the various reasons that cause a conflict. Bodhih’s Conflict Management workshop kicks off with a powerful introduction comprising of video presentations, class activities and facilitator-led discussions to unearth various aspects of conflict management.

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competition Management and resolution are not necessarily always about avoiding or eliminating conflicts but being able to learn and apply conflict resolution techniques. To the adult mind, conflicts may appear to be an easy (fixable) situation, right? Before you answer that, let us do a small mind-experiment. Think of the last time you had a conflict with someone. Do you remember if the argument was about position, power, money, or being egoistic, or was it a conflict over resources or styles, conflicting perceptions or goals, or even conflicting personal values or organizational roles? Did you think in an objective manner after the heightened emotions had subsided on how and why the conflict began in the first place?

Bodhih’s Conflict Management in a team technique will help you see the nuances of grasping underlying reasons for conflict before one applies the conflict resolution steps. Compitition Management is a skill that has to be first understood in a learning-lab environment – its causes and catalysts have to be studied. Thereafter the corresponding Conflict Management strategies are to be applied to resolve them. This is where the Conflict Management approaches within an organization can be analyzed better if the perception of a conflict can be seen from an individual’s perspective.

Do you know your individual Conflict Management style?

At Bodhih’s Conflict Management workshop participants undertake a self-assessment instrument to discover their individual preference towards Conflict Management and the subsequent resolution techniques.

Are you naturally competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding or are you accommodating? Basis the incisive questions and the responses, learners see their approaches as one of the following: forcing, problem solving, sharing, withdrawal and smoothing.

Thereafter through the facilitator-led various management games, different types of conflict resolution strategies are thought. Participants are encouraged to adopt WIN – WIN attitude to manage relationship and outcomes.

What do the top Conflict Management skills in the workplace sessions consist of ?

The best Conflict Management workshops focus on the importance of managing conflicts without the accompanying negative emotions. It is through striking a balance of preserving relationships and staying focussed on the business outcomes that most conflict resolution steps achieve optimum and desirable results. At Bodhih’s Conflict Management training, participants analyse the various causes of inter-personal and inter-departmental conflicts and how to bring in superior comprehension to maximize outcome and minimise differences.

How would you gain from India’s best Conflict Management and resolution in the workplace sessions at Bodhih?

Bodhih customizes its corporate Conflict Management skills programs along the ADDIE model. Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of training methodologies such as role plays, group exercises, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, Bodhih’s Conflict Management and resolution skills workshop takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

Bodhih’s Conflict Management skills in an organization workshop is interactive, and is based on blended pedagogy including role plays, group tasks, case studies and self-assessment tools.
The conflict resolution strategies that Bodhih’s workshops bring are constructed around hands-on experience: Of opening minds to newer possibilities, facing challenges squarely, stepping out of the usual comfort zone, and thereupon reflect deeply to build on discovering findings and finally applying them.

What is the edge in Bodhih’s Conflict Management strategies and techniques programs?

Bodhih’s workshop on conflict resolution techniques aims to bring cutting edge industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights that ensures Conflict Management steps are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long term benefits are to institutionalise Conflict Management skills across teams by assessing one’s natural and dominant style of Conflict Management and developing a flexible approach to conflict management.

What is Bodhih’s promise on the best Conflict Management and resolution skills training?

Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s Conflict Management training program talk of the following individual and team experiences – assertiveness during conflict and being able to utilize a variety of conflict resolution techniques by developing a flexibility mind-set in choosing situation appropriate conflict resolution techniques.

Training Design Document: Conflict Management Training


This Training Design Document outlines the curriculum and structure for the training program titled “Conflict Management Training.” This program aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively identify, address, and resolve conflicts in various personal and professional settings.

Training Objectives

By the end of this training program, participants should be able to:

1. Understand Conflict Dynamics: Recognize the causes and stages of conflicts.
2. Communication Skills: Develop effective communication and active listening skills to prevent and manage conflicts.
3. Conflict Resolution Strategies: Learn various conflict resolution techniques and strategies.
4. Negotiation Skills: Enhance negotiation skills to reach mutually beneficial solutions.
5. Mediation and Facilitation: Understand the roles of mediators and facilitators in resolving conflicts.
6. Conflict Prevention: Identify and implement preventive measures to reduce the occurrence of conflicts.
7. Constructive Feedback: Provide and receive constructive feedback during conflict resolution.

Training Content

Module 1: Understanding Conflict (Duration: 3 hours)

– Introduction to Conflict Management: Overview of the significance of conflict resolution.
– Types of Conflicts: Identifying interpersonal, organizational, and team conflicts.
– Causes of Conflict: Understanding the root causes and triggers of conflicts.

Module 2: Effective Communication (Duration: 4 hours)

– Communication and Conflict: The role of communication in conflict escalation and de-escalation.
– Active Listening: Developing active listening skills to understand others’ perspectives.
– Assertive Communication: Strategies for assertive communication during conflicts.
– Non-verbal Communication: Recognizing and managing non-verbal cues.

Module 3: Conflict Resolution Strategies (Duration: 4 hours)

– Conflict Resolution Models: Introduction to conflict resolution models such as Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) and others.
– Collaborative Problem-Solving: Applying problem-solving techniques to conflicts.
– Competing vs. Collaborating: Understanding when to compete and when to collaborate in conflict situations.

Module 4: Negotiation and Mediation (Duration: 4 hours)

– Negotiation Skills: Developing negotiation skills for win-win outcomes.
– Mediation Techniques: Understanding the role of a mediator and practicing mediation techniques.
– Facilitation: Techniques for facilitating group discussions and negotiations.

Module 5: Conflict Prevention and Management (Duration: 3 hours)

– Conflict Prevention Strategies: Implementing strategies to prevent conflicts from arising.
– Early Conflict Intervention: Recognizing conflicts in their early stages and addressing them proactively.

Module 6: Providing Constructive Feedback (Duration: 3 hours)

– Feedback in Conflict Resolution: How to provide and receive feedback during and after conflict resolution.
– Constructive Criticism: Techniques for delivering constructive criticism.

Training Methodology

– Interactive Workshops: Engaging workshops with real-life conflict scenarios and role-playing exercises.
– Case Studies: Analyzing real-world conflict situations and their resolutions.
– Group Discussions: Encouraging participants to share experiences and insights.
– Role-Playing Exercises: Practical application of conflict resolution techniques.


– Quizzes: Periodic quizzes to assess comprehension of key concepts.
– Role-Play Evaluation: Assessing participants’ ability to apply conflict management techniques in real-life scenarios.
– Peer Feedback: Providing and receiving feedback from peers on conflict resolution interactions.

Training Resources

– Training Materials: Comprehensive training manuals and resources for participants.
– Conflict Resolution Tools: Tools and templates to support effective conflict resolution.
– Access to Instructors: Ongoing access to trainers for questions and guidance.


– Training Duration: 2 days (16 hours)

Target Audience

– Professionals from various backgrounds seeking to improve their conflict management and resolution skills.

– Across all Leadership Levels


The “Conflict Management Training” program empowers participants with the knowledge and skills required to effectively address and resolve conflicts in personal and professional settings. Through interactive workshops, case studies, and practical exercises, participants will gain confidence in their ability to manage conflicts constructively, promote collaboration, and maintain positive relationships. This training program is designed to enhance participants’ conflict management competencies and contribute to a more harmonious and productive work environment.

The Crucial Role of Conflict Management Training for Leadership Roles Across the Hierarchy


In the dynamic landscape of modern organizations, effective leadership is not only about making strategic decisions or achieving targets; it’s also about managing the inevitable conflicts that arise within teams and across hierarchies. Conflict is a natural part of human interaction, and its impact on leadership cannot be overstated. Hence, conflict management training has become an indispensable tool for leaders at every level of an organization’s hierarchy.

Conflict Resolution and Leadership

Conflict, if left unresolved, can erode trust, damage relationships, and hinder productivity. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution demonstrate a critical leadership skill— the ability to navigate turbulent waters and steer teams towards success, even in the face of adversity. Here’s why conflict management training is indispensable for leadership roles across the hierarchy:

1. Effective Communication

Conflict management training equips leaders with the art of effective communication. Leaders learn to listen actively, understand diverse viewpoints, and express their own ideas clearly and respectfully. Effective communication fosters an environment where conflicts are addressed openly, leading to quicker resolutions.

2. Collaboration and Teamwork

Leadership isn’t about solitary decision-making; it’s about inspiring and guiding teams. Conflict management training instills the importance of collaboration and teamwork. Leaders understand how to leverage differing perspectives and use conflicts as opportunities for innovation and growth.

3. Improved Decision-Making

Conflict often arises when decisions are challenged or misunderstood. Conflict management training helps leaders refine their decision-making processes, ensuring that choices are well-informed, transparent, and aligned with the organization’s objectives. Such decisions are less likely to trigger conflicts.

4. Maintaining a Positive Work Environment

Leaders set the tone for the work environment. Conflict resolution skills allow leaders to address disputes promptly and constructively, fostering a positive workplace culture. Employees are more engaged and productive in an atmosphere where conflicts are managed effectively.

5. Enhanced Employee Retention

Talented employees tend to stay longer in organizations where they feel heard and valued. Leaders who excel in conflict resolution demonstrate respect for their team members’ opinions, contributing to higher job satisfaction and, consequently, improved employee retention rates.

6. Effective Leadership Succession

Conflict management is a vital skill for leaders at all levels. Training in conflict resolution ensures that leadership skills are nurtured throughout the hierarchy. This prepares future leaders to handle complex challenges and conflicts seamlessly.

7. Reduced Legal Risks

Unresolved conflicts can escalate and lead to legal issues. Leaders trained in conflict management are better equipped to handle disputes in a manner that minimizes legal risks, protecting both individuals and the organization.

8. Organizational Growth

A culture that values conflict management fosters continuous improvement and innovation. Leaders who embrace conflict as a catalyst for growth position their organizations to adapt, evolve, and thrive in a rapidly changing world.


Conflict management training is no longer a skill reserved for a select few; it’s an imperative for leadership roles across the hierarchy. Effective conflict resolution is not just about extinguishing fires but also about using the sparks to ignite positive change and drive organizational success. Leaders who embrace conflict management as an essential leadership tool set the stage for stronger teams, healthier workplace cultures, and sustainable growth. In the intricate dance of leadership and conflict, the trained leader emerges as a conductor, orchestrating harmony amid diversity and discord.

Navigating Success: The Crucial Role of Conflict Management Training for Sales Teams


In the fast-paced and competitive world of sales, effective communication, collaboration, and relationship-building are the cornerstones of success. However, where there are diverse personalities and high-pressure environments, conflicts are bound to arise. This is where conflict management training plays a pivotal role in ensuring that sales teams not only meet their targets but also thrive in a harmonious and productive work environment.

Understanding the Sales Landscape

The role of a sales team extends far beyond selling products or services. They are the frontline ambassadors of an organization, responsible for nurturing client relationships, uncovering opportunities, and driving revenue growth. In such a multifaceted role, conflicts are almost inevitable, and how they are managed can significantly impact the team’s success.

Effective Communication and Collaboration

One of the primary benefits of conflict management training for sales teams is the enhancement of communication skills. Sales professionals learn to express their ideas clearly and persuasively while actively listening to their clients and colleagues. Effective communication is not just about making a sale; it’s about building lasting relationships, understanding client needs, and delivering tailored solutions.

Collaboration is another critical aspect of the sales process. Conflict management training equips sales teams with the tools to collaborate seamlessly, even in the face of differing opinions or strategies. This ability to work together ensures that opportunities are maximized and challenges are tackled collectively.

Client Relationship Management

Sales professionals are in the business of building and maintaining client relationships. Conflict management training teaches them how to handle disagreements or misunderstandings with clients professionally and constructively. This skill is vital for preserving client trust and loyalty, which are essential for repeat business and referrals.

Conflict Resolution and Decision-Making

In the heat of a sales pitch, conflicts can arise over pricing, product specifications, or delivery timelines. Conflict management training empowers sales teams to resolve these conflicts efficiently, preventing them from derailing a deal. Additionally, it enhances their decision-making abilities, enabling them to make informed choices that align with both client needs and organizational goals.

Stress Reduction and Motivation

The sales profession is known for its high-stress environment. Conflict management training equips sales professionals with stress-reduction techniques, allowing them to stay focused, positive, and motivated even when facing challenging situations. This resilience is essential for maintaining productivity and enthusiasm.

Team Cohesion and Support

Sales teams that undergo conflict management training often experience improved cohesion. They understand each other’s working styles, strengths, and weaknesses, which allows them to provide mutual support. A united team is more resilient and better equipped to handle both internal and external challenges.


Conflict management training is not just about preventing conflicts; it’s about harnessing their potential to improve sales team performance. In the world of sales, where relationships are paramount, effective conflict management can be the difference between a successful deal and a missed opportunity. Sales teams that undergo this training are better equipped to communicate, collaborate, and build lasting client relationships, ultimately driving revenue growth and ensuring long-term success. In the sales arena, conflict management training isn’t just an investment; it’s a strategic advantage that sets high-performing teams apart from the rest.

For Customized Corporate Training Requirements. Please Contact

Bodhih Training at +91 99000 11601 or [email protected]

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