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Email Marketing – Grow Your Business with Every Subscriber

Table of Contents

Email Marketing, Email Marketing Strategies, Email marketing campaign

Email marketing is growing steadily across B2B and B2C segments across digital marketing brands creating email marketing campaigns and robust email marketing platforms.

Email is everywhere today. It is unavoidable across business and sectors. Business capitalize on its value and reach. Bodhih’s workshop on Email marketing covers Email strategy, Email Campaign and Email marketing platforms.

Why does Email Marketing work?

Everyone, almost anyone online has an email. People still rely heavily on email at work and to engage with brands. The cost of email marketing is still comparatively low.
Bodhih’s workshop on Email marketing talks about the benefits of Email Marketing – as in Return on Investment (as per Direct Marketing America figures, every dollar spent on email brought back $43 in sales). There are real life examples in the sessions that talk of the flexibility and speed that Email marketing brings to the clients and businesses, and that too B2B contacts prefer to receive their permission based, promotional and transactional messages via email.

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The broad learning outcomes of the Email marketing training are to develop deep knowledge on the capability of Email Marketing including the various objectives it is currently used for like Sales, Engagement, Lead Generation, Acquisition, Brand Awareness, Retention and other administrative functions.

Along with other aspects, Bodhih’s workshop on Email marketing has segments dedicated to email marketing automation and best practices on how to do email marketing.

Bodhih Training Email Marketing-Grow Your Business with Every Subscriber Email marketing campaign

Participants at Bodhih’s Email Marketing Strategy workshop are walked through case studies that explore in-depth the tangible benefits of Email marketing, like – acquiring new leads, registrations, customers, clients, that drives immediate sales, enhance customer retention programs, build stronger relationships with existing customers, provides company or product information, post order targeted emails, build brand awareness, be a part of integrated marketing strategy and increase website traffic.

Bodhih’s facilitators are seasoned professionals who create linkages between skills picked up in the workshops and then to apply them in participant’s current roles.

This is done through specific illustrations and analogies and is true for the session at the Email marketing strategy and Email Marketing Campaigns – Fundamentals of Drip marketing
In this module, through facilitator led presentations, sample exercises and screen sharing, participants are familiarised to the various aspects of Drip marketing.

Drip marketing or nurture marketing refers to automatically sending pre-scheduled emails at fixed intervals to subscribers after they sign up. The applications of Drip marketing are to stay top of mind, re-engagement, educate, and offer competitive drips.

The next module called “structure of a drip marketing” is a detailed deep dive by the tenured facilitator on the action-based world of drip marketing. A case study is shared with the class learners for them to familiarise the nuts and bolts of the Email marketing strategy and process. Here is a preview – let us say there is an asset, a whitepaper that is sent to email addresses. Two actions can result – readers open the email or do not. For those that do open the email, a secondary asset (E-book) is sent across. For those readers that did not open the email, a catchier asset (a video) is sent. The people that still do not open the video are removed as un-engaged parties and their drip marketing campaign comes to an end. If they however, do open the video, then a secondary asset (an E-book is sent to them). Meanwhile, for the ones who did open the E-book the first time, a product demo e-zine is sent. This continues till sales and sales promotion articles are sent across to the subscribers and they convert to buying your products.

At Bodhih, Business Email Marketing Strategy and Campaigns is a popular session that is part of a larger Communication skills training suite.

The session brings latest research done on Email marketing best practices from across renowned digital marketing agencies across the globe.

The heart of Bodhih’s Business Email Marketing Strategy and Campaigns lies in the powerful session that Email marketing platforms – Get Response or Mail chimp.

A free account is opened by participants and the class facilitator walks the participants through the various screens to create a compelling email, with a body, subject line, creatives, select the audience lists, create inclusions, create the sample drip campaign, with the flowcharts of actions that govern who receives what email (and its contained attachment) in what sequence. Finally, the class learners, create an advance schedule for the emails to start moving out in a specified sequence.

The class learns to assess various situational variables as they navigate through the screens to explore functionality of the various choices that they make.

How would you gain from India’s best Business Email marketing etiquettes and rules workshops at Bodhih?

Bodhih customizes its Email Marketing Strategy and Campaigns courses along the ADDIE model. Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, the Email Marketing Training takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

The edge in Bodhih’s Business Email Marketing process session comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights. The workshop takeaways ensure that learnings are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long term benefits are to institutionalise Email Marketing process by embedding standardized processes to know and run productive and profitable marketing campaigns.

What is the Bodhih’s promise on Email Marketing Strategy programs?

Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on Employee Performance talk of the changed individual and team behaviours, namely, high proficiency in creating and converting Email marketing audiences.

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