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Effectively Managing Employee Performance

Table of Contents

Employee Performance, Employee Performance evaluation

Employee Performance is about establishing performance goals, outcomes, standards and formalised steps to measure, motivate and manage employee performance.

Bodhih’s workshop focusses on the effect of motivation on employee performance and organizational productivity.

Employee Performance is a critical part of the employee motivation cycle.

Employee Performance is about establishing performance goals and standard skills. It begins with identifying areas of performance, setting performance goals and standards, communicating those goals and standards, collecting performance data, comparing performance to goals and standards, and finally review and evaluating.

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At Bodhih, Employee Performance workshops, the focus of learning is on the methods of monitoring employee performance to ensure that it is at acceptable levels. It begins with evaluating “standards” – quality of output, quantity of output, timeliness of output, positive and negative effects, manner and method of performance. Bodhih’s workshop on employee performance takes into account, through a detailed discussion on this concept of “Standards”.

Bodhih Training Managing Employee Performance Managing Employee Performance, Managing Employee Performance

Effectiveness of training and development on employee performance opens up the class discussion on how to choose goals in line with vision.

The program on Employee Performance process training kick starts with facilitator led presentation, and flowcharts to build a detailed visual to build goals – that should cover the full range of job responsibilities, cover important job aspects, be appropriate and meaningful to the work required, be challenging, be feasible and obtainable, and finally be measurable. Participants use case studies and workbook exercise to work with a real-life example and bring professional insights to the discussion.

Bodhih’s facilitators are seasoned professionals who create linkages between skills picked up in the workshops and then to apply them in participant’s current roles.

This is done through specific illustrations and analogies and is true for the next session at the Employee Performance program – Documenting Performance.

In this module of the Employee Performance methods, through facilitator led presentations and group discussions, participants are familiarised to the various questions and aspects of documentation that come up for attention. Learners are handed over checklist to work through a class exercise, that includes individual sharing and debrief. The following items comprise as best practices while documenting employee performance.

Complete a precise, written job analysis. Weigh job responsibilities and goals according to importance. Provide timely feedback immediately following the performance. Record incidents of and your communications about performance. Keep a running record. Note specific examples of good and poor performance. Be clear and concrete in writing. Interact frequently with those whom you evaluate. Ensure that files adequately portray effective and ineffective performance. Represent the employees’ total performance—all responsibilities and goals over the entire rating period. Seek other people assessment of the employee performance and Standardize data-gathering procedures.

At Bodhih, Employee Performance techniques is a popular session that is part of a larger HR skills training suite.

The session brings latest research done on Employee Performance with case studies centred on winning behaviours including effect of leadership style on employee performance.

The heart of Bodhih’s Employee Performance program lies in the powerful session that dissects the topic of common behaviours (effective and ineffective) on the part of supervisors during the Employee Performance methods.

Led through a case study, and group discussions, class participants gather information on the various supervisory behaviours. The exhaustive list makes for an insightful discussion on with class learners debating through real life experiences.

Bodhih’s facilitator uses individual reflection, group discussion and case studies to surface Employee Performance requirements. Through rich illustrations and real-life simulations, Bodhih’s class participants appreciate the difference between evaluative and descriptive communication approaches. The nuanced discussions bring to attention the appropriate communication styles needed to deliver employee performance feedbacks. Control Vs Problem orientation, Neutrality Vs Empathy, Superiority Vs Equality, Certainty Vs Contingency, are all examples of the various paradigms used to manage employee performance discussions in a healthy and positive state of mind.

The class learns to assess various situational variables as setting future goals, benchmarking Industry performances and linkages to performance ratings to compensation impacts.

How would you gain from India’s best Employee Performance Evaluation workshops at Bodhih?

Bodhih customizes its “How to measure employee performance” courses along the ADDIE model. Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, the Employee Performance evaluation training takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

The edge in Bodhih’s managing employee performance courses comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights. The workshop takeaways ensure that learnings are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long-term benefits are to institutionalise Employee Performance processes by embedding standardized processes to define goals, outcomes, standards, quality, frequency and various standard operating procedures related to employee performance evaluations.

What is Bodhih’s promise on Employee Performance training programs?

Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on Employee Performance talk of the changed individual and team behaviours, namely, higher understanding of the employee evaluation process steps, and demonstrating the superior communication styles in delivering performance feedbacks, and finally accurately documenting employee performance evaluation results.

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