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Customer Relationship Management

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Customer Relationship Management, Customer Relationship Management System

Customer Relationship Management system is about customer relationship manager demonstrating a service orientation, and transforming customer satisfaction to customer delight.

What is the Bodhih’s premise of Customer Relationship Management program?

In today’s complex marketplace, the most successful sales professionals are laser focused on the business needs and concerns of their customers, knowledge which is used to establish credibility and solidify relationships.
To be a truly customer-centric organization one must break free from traditional transactional management approaches and develop a relationship-based approach to business, focused on understanding, creating and delivering customer value while ensuring profitably.
Bodhih’s workshop on Customer Relationship Management will teach participants the methods for demonstrating the value of becoming customer-centric and how to create exciting and creative approaches that can be transformational for the client and end consumer.

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What is a Customer Relationship Management made of?

Bodhih’s program on Customer Relationship Management shares in simple terms that Customer Relationship Management refer to the wants and needs of the people you want to attract to buy your products and services.

What are the elements of Customer Relationship Management model?

Customer Relationship Management basics are made of moments of truth: Zero moment of truth, First moment of truth, Second moment of Truth and Ultimate moment of truth. Customer relationship manager use the active listening skills, to learn, engage customers and adapt their processes to be able to create a winning Customer Relationship Management system.

Bodhih Training Customer Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management, Customer Relationship Management

What are the most important questions needed to set up a Customer Relationship Management system at the workplace?

Bodhih’s workshop on Customer Relationship Management brings up the distinct questions for creating an edge to a company’s Customer Relationship Management strategy – who are my customers? What they do? Why they buy? When they buy? How they buy? How much money they spend in each transaction? What makes them feel good about buying? What they expect of you? What they think of you? What they think of your customers?

What is a quick way to excel Customer Relationship Management in B2B?

A quick win for customer relationship manager to create an upward perception is to create an experience. Listening to how people engage with the client’s brand – to discover how the customer journey unfolds across the various touchpoints – to engaging customers to delayer their moment of truth basis their expectations – and finally adapting processes, strategies, technology investments to improve all that has gone before.

For company professionals who want to deep dive into Customer Relationship Management process and foundational skills, the Bodhih’s workshop on Customer Relationship Management is a recommended option.

Bodhih’s session on Customer Relationship Management strategy kick starts with facilitator led presentation, and a group discussion where fundamentals of customer orientation, prioritizing the needs and familiarising with customer sensitivity scenarios are deliberated.
Thereafter learners work through the multiple aspects of customer orientation dynamics – that has topics like customer empowerment, self-empowerment, how to be obsessive about providing quality, and ensuring that ‘customer positive credit’ balance is always maintained. Through class videos, individual exercises, and facilitator led presentation, participants understand the central premise of a customer success transaction –when both customer and the service provider are empowered, true and long-lasting value is exchanged.

What is the primary driver for seeking Customer Relationship Management solutions?

Bodhih’s facilitators are seasoned professionals who create linkages between skills picked up in the workshops and then to apply them in participant’s current roles. This is done through specific illustrations and analogies and is true for the next session at the customer success program – Reasons for customer complaints.

This session, done through facilitator led presentations, individual reflections, and group exercises on real world examples, opens up the world of customer complaints and its underlying reasons– break of promise, oversight, taking for granted a customer relationship, breach of trust, unprofessional attitude. The group brings their field experience in finding finer ways to fill out these dark spots and do work-book activity to reinforce their learnings and documenting personal insights.

At Bodhih, Customer Relationship Management workshop is a popular session that is part of a larger Behavioural skills training suite.

The session draws richly from latest research done on Customer Relationship Management systems including buyer behaviour dynamics.

What are some of the customer relationship manager responsibilities?

The heart of the customer success program lies in the powerful session that dissects the topic of customer success namely, the power of feedback
Class audiences work through various situational variables drawn from real-life occurrences of customer feedback to understand their self-orientation in managing challenging feedback. Through facilitator led presentation, videos and case study, learners appreciate how receiving honest customer opinions can improve relations, provide for inexpensive business advice, bring in more customers and usher in positive changes.

How would you gain from India’s best Customer Relationship Management Process workshop at Bodhih?

Bodhih customizes its Customer Relationship Management training along the ADDIE model. Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, the customer relationship manager training program takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

The edge in Bodhih’s Customer Relationship Management benefits sessions comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights. The workshop takeaways ensure that learnings are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long-term benefits are to institutionalise techniques of Customer Relationship Management advantages by embedding soft skills practices of empathy, creating customer user journeys with moments of truth, providing customer value through listening, and acting urgently on customer feedbacks.

What is Bodhih’s promise on Customer Relationship Management Program workshops?

Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on Customer Relationship Management training talk of the changed individual and team behaviours, namely, demonstrating fanatical customer orientation by immersing into the world of customer needs, Setting transparent and empathic expectations, and a mature approach to handling customer feedbacks.

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