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Critical Successful Negotiation Skills Training

Learn Critical Negotiation Skills Training from the experts. Bodhih workshop on Negotiation tactics and strategies workshop teaches participants the fine art of negotiation.

What is negotiation? And what are the types of negotiation?

A conference is a strategic discussion that resolves an issue in a way that both parties find acceptable. In a negotiation, each party tries to persuade the other to agree with his or her point of view or try to find creative ways to arrive at a WIN-WIN agreement. Types of negotiation include win-lose, lose-lose and win-win negotiations. The entire point of Bodhih’s workshop on Negotiation strategies and tactics is to learn more about various types of negotiations.

Done expertly negotiation helps to build better relationships, deliver lasting quality solutions (rather than poor short-term solutions that do not satisfy either party) or helps to avoid future conflicts.

Negotiation Skills Training is both a talent and skill, it calls for the highest degree of technical /product knowledge as well as a skilful demonstration of practiced soft skills. Negotiation techniques are multi-layered and adaptable as each negotiation is unique in its context and stakes. While it takes years to master the art of negotiation, no matter where you are in the journey, it makes business sense to get a jump in learning with the training experts.

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Bodhih’s Negotiation Skills Training is a sought-after training and coaching program preferred by top Managers, Coaches, Company Executives and Master Trainers.
Participants expecting to deepen their self-understanding into the science of negotiation as well as hone their existing negotiation techniques report large gains from this workshop.

What preparations are needed for principled negotiations?

In preparation for a negotiation, participants need to learn as much as possible about the other party’s position, what the strengths and weaknesses of that position are, and how to prepare to defend their positions and counter the arguments the other party will likely make. In any disagreement, individuals understandably aim to achieve the best possible outcome for their position (or perhaps an organization they represent).

However, the principles of fairness, seeking mutual benefit and maintaining a relationship are the keys to a successful outcome. These conceptual elements of principled negotiation along with the overall negotiation framework forms the beginning of Bodhih Negotiation Skills Training.

Through group activities, facilitator-led discussions, videos, and presentations, participants are sensitized to the communication process – its impacts and barriers, and how to gain and maintain control.

The broad structure and phases of a negotiation (planning, discussions with proposals & concessions, agreement & close) is discussed. Additionally, the various approaches of negotiations (advising, describing, prescribing and predicting) are shared and group activities are conducted to enhance the understanding of the merits of each shared approach.

All negotiation processes place strong emphasis on planning.

Through group activities, workbook sharing and case studies, Learners do deep dive in the following areas: consider jobs and roles in the negotiation process and define objectives in the long and short term. Thereafter research and studies are carried out to understand where does the power lie vis-à-vis – size, current markets, time, information, reputation?

Next, priorities are listed down by the learner groups – common grounds, desirables Vs must haves, opening positions, and listening for ‘what is on the table’, including any concessions and all alternatives.

BATNA (‘Best alternative to negotiated agreement’) and other leverage factors are calculated, deliberated and finally established. Participants also jot down a list of actions if no agreement is reached.

What are successful negotiation attitude and basic skills?

The seasoned facilitators through discussion & presentation, video and workbook activity help participants discover their authenticity from a negotiation perspective and share practices to build an attitude that is perceived as credible to the opposite party.

The module illustrates and dwells on the deeper aspects of personality ethic, and character ethic, and shares an attitude framework for effective negotiation.

Thereafter guided through an insightful activity, learners examine and deliberate the criticality of listening skills (empathic) and speaking skills (word & tonality) and non-verbal body language with appropriate questioning skills.

Negotiation skills training attempts to bring participants to comprehend what lies at the heart of successful negotiation soft attributes, namely, listening with heart, acquiring probing techniques, leveraging tonalities to capture audience attention, and employing gestures and body language to maximum advantage.

How can you gain from India’s best negotiation skills workshops at Bodhih?

Bodhih customizes its negotiation skills training along the ADDIE model.

Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, the negotiation tactics sessions takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

The edge in Bodhih’s Negotiation skills training comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights that ensure negotiation skills are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals.

Combined with a deep grip on product / technical knowhow, the long-term benefits of institutionalizing negotiation skills processes is to balance the key strategic considerations (identifying parties, their surface and deeper interests, effective communication styles to propose alternatives, seeking creative solutions for mutual gain etc.) with valued negotiation soft skills (patience, active listening, rapport for impact, respect that enhances results, maintaining positive energies etc.)

What is Bodhih’s promise for Negotiation Skills Training?

Bodhih’s Negotiation skills training combines advanced skills (assertiveness, feed-forward, persuasion etc.) with tactical communication framework (voice and body coaching, managing stage fear etc.) and tactical presentation framework (handling resistance and tough questions).

Participants learn the Negotiation process and its dynamics, understand their personal negotiation style and build context for future takeaways.

Managers across industries and functions and executive-level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on negotiation skills training, report enhancement in the following individual and team behaviors: crisper negotiation-elemental understanding, increased flexibility in approaches, new communication styles rich in establishing rapport and assertiveness, reduction in conflicts and breakdowns, and a focus on principled negotiation strategies by utilizing higher degrees of research & planning and finally a dependence on proven negotiation attributes.





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