Gender Inclusion
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Gender Inclusion, Gender sensitization workshop
Third Gender sensitization and inclusion workshop focusses on dimensions of diversity, applications of diversity at work and Redressal mechanisms
Gender Inclusion in the workplace and Gender Inclusion policy are the cornerstone of Bodhih’s on gender sensitization training.
Organizations compete for human resources and as the workforce becomes more heterogeneous, organizations will have to serve the diverse needs of this workforce or they will lose them to their competitors. Organizations that discriminate against women are forced to select workers from a smaller pool, reducing their ability to find top performers. At the same time, some managers would point out that increased diversity can cause management problems. Bodhih’s workshop on gender sensitization and inclusion will train your managers and leaders to take advantage of the myriad benefits that gender diversity brings to the workplace.
Bodhih’s workshop on gender sensitization and inclusion is designed to use diversity in the workplace as a tool for performance management and enhancement. Learners are instructed to use diversity to enhance productivity, and improve the work environment. Professionals and managers are exposed to use diversity as a means to increase the talent pool at one’s disposal, and also ensure that the organisation meets the demands of legality stipulations.
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Gender Inclusion in the workplace is a sensitive and contemporary subject in Bodhih’s workshop offering.
The learning outcomes of Bodhih’s workshop on gender sensitization and inclusion incorporates having a larger talent pool, seeing an overall improvement in organizational performance, better morale in the workplace and an increased return on assets and also the adherence on legal requirements.
Bodhih’s workshop on gender sensitization and inclusion is a vital program that lays open the basics and specifics of everything a corporate professional need to know about the dimensions of diversity and applications of gender diversity in the workplace.
Be it the types of diversity (race, gender, culture, socio-economic background, education, religious/political beliefs, sexual orientation, skin color or age), participants understand the various dimensions of gender sensitization and inclusion.
Through an ice-breaker exercise, learners are exposed to all the factors that are critical (and impacting) to gender sensitization and inclusion principles like – problem solving, critical thinking, team building, socio-economic-political backgrounds, communication – leadership – behavioural styles. Bodhih’s program on gender sensitization and inclusion is a much sought-after program. In a discussion-rich class led by an experienced Bodhih’s facilitator participants are encouraged to bring their real work examples and associated insights for all to discuss and benefit.
At the end of the session, learners comprehend multiple facets and deep impacts that gender sensitization and inclusion principles and policy can have on a company performance.
The purpose of gender sensitization and inclusion principles and policy training is a self-invitation for the group to understand how the importance of following gender diversity – expanded market share, improvement in business performance, increase in sales revenue, saving costs to the company, and larger availability workforce pool. Through facilitator led presentation, group activity, and videos with debrief, Bodhih’s facilitator instructs participants to delayer the various practical scenarios at the workplace and life in general where being sensitive to diversity helps.
Through role plays, learners are exposed to the fact that gender sensitization and inclusion practices involve active listening, assertive communication, demonstrating empathy, equality mindset and mutual sense of respect and recognition. Through real world examples Bodhih’s facilitator highlights how gender sensitization and inclusion practices are far important than taking temporary losses on the business results.
Bodhih’s workshop on gender sensitization and inclusion practices and policy focuses on identifying the key points of setting Redressal mechanisms and delayers the importance of being open and transparent.
Participants through group activity and facilitator led discussion are instructed on the nuances of how various Redressal mechanisms work across the most renowned companies across the world.
Beginning with a learner activity and facilitator led presentation, the class works through a case study where in specific instances of gender diversity and inclusion have been violated. Through pro-con discussions, helped by Bodhih’s facilitator the participants debate on the actual applications of diversity and inclusions principles to solve the scenario in ideal and practical terms. The main takeaway of the session is to comprehend the crucial nature of making an immediate and positive impression on the workforce and also uphold a leader’s position on appropriate gender sensitization and inclusion practices and principles.
At Bodhih, gender sensitization and inclusion practices and principles is a popular program that is part of a larger leadership skills training suite.
The session draws richly from contemporary research on gender sensitization and inclusion – its purposes, its principles, practices, advantages and the price to pay for negligence should there be a violation. Learners receive case studies and best practices sourced from renowned management consulting companies across the globe.
Gender sensitization and inclusion workshop thereafter with videos and facilitator based discussions asks learners to think through the various approaches of being mindful of sensitive areas to avoid.
Participants through class based activities, and facilitator led discussions deliberate on such out of bound aspects like race, color, religion, ethnicity, marital status or parental status, age, national origin, citizenship, sexual orientation, education, work schedule, and personal data. Bodhih’s facilitator through relevant illustrations, specifies the various elements of culture creation – through positive reinforcements of gender sensitization and inclusion practices.

The heart of Bodhih’s workshop on gender sensitization and inclusion lies in the powerful session that talks of the Do’s of diversity
This powerful session delivered through class presentations teaches the learners on employee respect modes, maintaining elevating communication rhythms, goal focus, learning about gender diversity, asking feedback and working on areas that help in discerning diversity and inclusion markers.
How would you gain from India’s best gender sensitization and inclusion practice and principles training at Bodhih?
Bodhih customizes its gender sensitization and inclusion practices and policies program along the ADDIE model. Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.
In addition to the ADDIE model, the gender sensitization and inclusion practices and policies program takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.
The edge in Bodhih’s gender sensitization and inclusion training comes from
researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights that ensures work effectiveness session learnings are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long term benefits are to institutionalise the gender sensitization and inclusion principles by embedding broader understanding of diversity dimensions, communication structures, empathy and active listening techniques, goal focus and inclusive behaviours and finally understanding how to apply redress mechanisms.
What is Bodhih’s promise on gender sensitization and inclusion training courses?
Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on gender sensitization and inclusion practices and principles training talk of the changed individual and team behaviours, namely, achieving higher degree of confidence of managing complex situations of gender inclusion and diversity sensitization, understanding of company culture and protocols that includes respect and equality mindsets for either gender and growing their leadership profile by a positive demonstration of gender sensitization and inclusion practices and principles
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