Effective Organizational Communication
Table of Contents
Organizational Communication, Organizational Communication Importance
Effective Organizational Communication combines communication boundaries, effective listening skills, art of probing, and networking skills.
Why is Effective Organizational Communication important in today’s business environment?
Organizational communication is a much touted term nowadays. The quality of our communication is always important, and increased skilfulness in the area offers
many benefits. Yet in corporate life the quality of our communication becomes even more
important. Sometimes the cost of poor communication is immediate, and sometimes it takes a bit longer for the negative consequences of unmindful communication habits to become evident. The good news is that, if we know what some of the nastier poor communication habits are, we can become more mindful and look for ways to increase your skilfulness.
The positive results can be seen in interpersonal interactions as well as improvements in the quality of our marketing communications and networking.
Effective Organizational Communication is the need of the hour.
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Organization communication culture is built by direct focus on organizational communication challenges, understanding the organizational communication in the age of globalization, by clarifying the organizational communication concepts and approaches.
What does Bodhih’s Effective Organizational Communication training cover?
At Bodhih, the focal point in Effective Organizational Communication is to understand the personal and professional boundaries of communication, understand the effectiveness of listening skills, master the art of probing, identifying the right focus areas to draw out important information, awareness on what to talk and how to phrase one’s point of view, and networking skills.
At its core, Effective Organizational Communication workshop is an introduction to the communication cycle, questioning skills, outcome based presentation, assertiveness skills, influence centric networking skills.
Kicking off with class exercises and presentations, Bodhih’s Organizational Communication skills program educates participants on the importance of organizational communication. The learners are given an appreciation, on the three channels of communication (Body language, Voice modulation and Verbal). The participants are given a class exercise to experience and demonstrate their control over the three channels and how these impact selectively the impact on the outcomes. Work book activity and debrief are used to reinforce the learnings and to capture the personal insights.
Organizational communication and conflict management is an essential segment in Bodhih’s workshop on organizational communication training.
Thereafter, learners through insightful analysis discover various listening styles. The class facilitator through illustrations, and video presentations surfaces the strengths and weaknesses associated with these styles. There is a class assessment that enables a closer look for the learners to understand how their preparations for pre-listening and post-listening readiness measures up. The session also has a role play element as well that reinforces these lessons for later use. A comprehensive list of good listening Vs poor listening is shared with the students as a ready reckoner for future use.
Organizational communication skills relies heavily on the type of questions users can employ for a given situation
The next session is focussed on emphasizing the use of vocal impact – especially the criticality of posture, projection and pace, and the ending of a sentence. Through class exercises, participants are sensitized to the sentence endings – that forms the basis of questioning skills – as in the various types of questions – open ended, closed ended, funnel, probing and leading questions. The class gets a quick opportunity their understanding and mastery over effective questioning techniques – hypothetical, general overview and return questions.
Bodhih’s facilitators are seasoned professionals who create linkages between skills picked up in the workshops and then to apply them in participant’s current roles. This is done through specific illustrations and analogies and is true for the next session at the Effective Organizational Communication training – Setting Professional Boundaries in Communication.
This session uses class exercises, games, role play and facilitator led presentations to surface the importance of boundaries, and why is it difficult to establish and maintain professional boundaries. The students through brainstorming tease out the various reasons of this failure – Dual relationships, values conflicts, Vicarious trauma, Playing the ‘hero’ role, Poor teamwork. Bodhih’s facilitator thereafter shares proven tips to manage these tricky situations of boundary setting.
At Bodhih, Effective Organizational Communication program is a popular session that is part of a larger Communication skills training suite.
The session draws richly from case studies done on organizational communication winning habits across industry recognised players.
The heart of the Effective Organizational Communication workshop lies in the insightful session that highlights outcome based questioning.
The class participants through an activity run through a checklist – What precisely do I want out of the process? What does the other person want? If I don’t know, what are they likely to want? What is the least I will accept out of the process? What problems could come up in the process? How will I deal with each one, and if possible, use the problem as a BENEFIT for the other person? How will I bring the process to a conclusion?
This powerful rhythm is reinforced through individual reflection and workbook activity to capture personal insights.
How would you gain from India’s best Organizational communication effectiveness Training at Bodhih?
Bodhih customizes its Organizational Communication process training programs along the ADDIE model. Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.
In addition to the ADDIE model, the Organizational Communication methods course takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.
The edge in Bodhih’s Effective Organizational Communication skills training comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights. The work shop takeaways ensure that learnings are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long term benefits are to institutionalise Effective Organizational Communication by embedding active listening techniques, questioning styles, setting communication boundaries and practicing outcome based techniques.
What is Bodhih’s promise on Organizational Communication effectiveness training?
Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on Effective Organizational Communication talk of the changed individual and team behaviours, namely, how employees demonstrate superior articulation and assertiveness in their verbal and non-verbal modes of communication. The outcome based techniques contributes to an increase of influence and networking ability
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