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Master winning consultative selling skills for a competitive edge

Consultative Selling is a highly-interactive workshop to master critical selling skills, vital tools and compelling techniques to succeed in any sales environment

As bold changes sweep across today’s business landscape with technology (and global mind-sets) enabling instant information, comparison and analysis, the buyers are vastly well equipped to make wiser decisions. There are also far too many players in any industry niche and well-established suppliers face new challengers each passing day. Never have been modern-day sellers under more pressures to win and build on customer trust, bring new ideas and insights for their customers, and consultatively assist clients to make right solution choices that boosts their business growth.

Bodhih’s Consultative Selling training workshop has come after years of industry knowledge and studying a seller’s evolving function in the entire buying cycle.

Consultative Selling approach frequently means working hand-in-hand with value added selling in which sellers present specific products and benefits. To be able to routinely impress clients with product knowledge, industry trends, and best in breed market practices also needs a deep understanding of soft skills and desirable relationship behaviours. The sellers today need to gain and understand precise client needs, identify right solutions, and tailor solutions to maximise client relevance and impact.

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These are a few scenarios that participants at Bodhih’s Consultative Selling skills workshop discuss with great interest.

At Bodhih, the consultative approach comes out of a rich theoretical grounding and a widely respected practice-base. Sales success is often demonstrated through a set consistent consultative behaviour. These behaviours sets top sales companies apart, which in turn continually invest more to grow in-house Consultative Selling practices.

What are successful Consultative Selling training behaviours?

At Bodhih, Consultative Selling definition is demonstrated when participants comprehend and build confidence to understand business from customer’s viewpoint, are able to create a rapport with customers, uncover hidden opportunities , present a powerful solution based on real needs, handle difficult situations, awkward questions and objections, negotiate for win-win outcomes, gain commitment and master sales closing techniques.

The consultative sales model begins with participants required to understand the criticality of working and selling in a particular industry.

The seasoned facilitators begin the workshop with an industry quiz that tests learner’s understanding of their client’s business and uniqueness. Thereafter guided through a discussion and class exercises, various types of selling skills are introduced and learners are encouraged to adapt these for their individual products and services as also create clear points of differentiation between key competitors.

Consultative Selling process is governed by the Business to Business buying process.

The B2B buying process typically includes three phases – Awareness, Evaluation and Decision. To be able to identify the transition between these phases and spot white spaces that can present entry-opportunities, workshop participants are guided through preparation templates and also to develop an appreciation for monitoring progress through relevant industry metrics.

Top Consultative Selling skills are primarily driven by positive behaviour.

Bodhih’s participants are coached on nuances of approaching customers (Voice Modulation, Telephone Etiquettes, Body Language). The module on deep customer engagement reinforces the central gist of Consultative Selling, “Attitude determines altitude.

Today’s sales professionals know the importance of understanding customer needs by asking the right questions, uncovering information systematically and demonstrating active listening skills. It is in this context that Bodhih’s seasoned trainers through class exercises, group activities and role-plays help learners to visualize and practice specific techniques to de-layer customer needs accurately.

How can you gain from India’s best Consultative Selling training workshops at Bodhih?

Bodhih customizes its Consultative Selling skills training along the ADDIE model.

Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, the Consultative Selling approach and techniques takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

The edge in Bodhih’s Consultative Selling process training program comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights that ensures consultative skills are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long-term benefits are to institutionalise consultative sales process that draws link between customer needs and creating the right scenarios to introduce the organization’s products.

At Bodhih’s workshop, participants gain from group discussions and class exercises on consultative approach that details out right pricing techniques by using ROI concept and are also taught to demonstrate assertiveness in closing a deal.

What is Bodhih’s promise for Consultative Selling techniques workshop?

Bodhih’s Consultative Selling steps workshop finally brings it all together in a powerful role play exercise where participants are required to demonstrate consultative approach and learn the secrets of ensuring continual peak performance through a video presentation and facilitator led discussion.

Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on strategic Consultative Selling model report enhancement in the following individual and team behaviours : enhanced consulting skills – questioning, listening; reinforcing effective client management through building proactive relationships, and demonstrating higher ability to provide useful sales advice.

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