Positive Mental Attitude
Table of Contents
Positive Mental Attitude, Success through Positive Mental Attitude, Positive Mental Attitude Training
Positive mental attitude training teaches techniques to control core mental states needed to control negative thinking and multiply positive attitudes.
Bodhih’s workshop talks about success through positive mental attitude activities in the workplace.
Want to change the direction of your life for the better? There are few things that will affect the quality of your life quicker than developing a positive attitude. You can learn how to master the skill of thinking positive thoughts, speaking positive words and reaping the rewards of not only a positive attitude but enjoy the benefits of greater self-confidence and a more positive self-image.
What is Bodhih’s Positive mental attitude workshop all about?
The positive mental attitude workshop is designed to give you an abundance of resources to help you develop and keep a positive attitude. It is not a secret that your attitude is an important key to success, both how you manage your attitude at the workplace and at home. The negative or positive attitude that you hold towards your goals, and the challenges you face, will have a profound impact on the outcomes.
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What are the key learning outcomes in Bodhih’s workshop on positive mental attitude?
Participants discuss how core mental states are necessary for a positive attitude, what is your attitude and what it is not, the ability to control negative thinking and emotions, the innate tools needed to develop positive attitude and a winning mindset, inculcating more energy in the NOW by overcoming self-limiting thinking and how to identify the characteristics of negative self-talk by developing the habit of optimism.
Bodhih’s workshop on Positive mental attitude
Tools provide participants with the complete guide to positive mental attitude. It will provide hands on experience in designing and implementing a positive mental attitude, using techniques which have been proven in practice.
At Bodhih, Positive mental attitude the participants are encouraged to reiterate the fundamental premise – “remember that you are powerful”
Bodhih’s facilitators use a mix of insightful role-play situations, videos, group discussions, and presentations, introduces the topic that most of the time we have no idea what we are supposed to be doing and who we are supposed to be imitating. The class learners engage and surface how we play roles or our true selves by identifying with things that end up defining who we think we are – I am a lawyer, doctor, athlete or I am happy or sad or something.
Thereafter using individual reflection, workbook activity and facilitator led presentations, Bodhih’s workshop on positive mental attitude provokes
participants on the ever-present choice of embracing life. The group has realizations through real world examples and activities, that we can all at any point, let go of what holds us back, and we can embrace the moment whether it contains an obstacle or opportunity. The personal realizations are made apparent – “Life becomes hard or unfair when we decide to complain about things rather than trying to change them ourselves”
Bodhih’s positive mental attitude program works on the realization that we get to control our reactions.
During the workshop, Bodhih’s facilitators leverage this principle to lay out the core module around freedom of choice. Participants through role play scenarios and real time feedbacks, appreciate how we create our outside reality by the thoughts and beliefs we maintain about life in general. We all have problems and we are often tested by circumstances outside of our control. Even though we may not be in control of what is going on outside of us, we must definitely control our reactions to those situations.
Bodhih’s facilitators are seasoned professionals who create linkages between skills picked up in the workshops and then to apply them in participant’s current roles.
This is done through specific illustrations and analogies and is true for the next session at the positive mental attitude – Believe you are more than enough
Through case studies, group exercises, video and facilitator led presentations, participants identify positive mental attitude situations that call for the realization that we not be entirely grateful for what we possess. The cycle may perpetuate as long as our mind believes them to be true. If one focusses on what he or she has, and not on what he or she lacks, then the person will always have enough because the person will always be enough.
At Bodhih, positive mental attitude for employee program is a much asked for session that is part of a larger behavioural skills training suite.
The session draws richly from research done on positive mental attitude and published literature by globally recognized self-help experts and personal psychology case studies.
How would you gain from India’s best ‘success through positive mental attitude’ training workshop at Bodhih?
Bodhih customizes its positive mental attitude training workshop along the ADDIE model. Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.
In addition to the ADDIE model, the success through positive mental attitude program takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.
The edge in Bodhih’s positive mental attitude for employees comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights. The workshop takeaways ensure that learnings are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long-term benefits are to institutionalise positive mental attitude techniques like visualisation techniques, personal empowerment plans and decision making.
What is Bodhih’s promise on positive mental attitude at workplace workshops?
Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on positive mental attitude, talk of the changed individual and team behaviours, namely, demonstrating a higher ability on self and its abilities, ability to embrace the here and now, the ability to recognize the strengths and gifts that lie within us and orienting ourselves to the fact that we always have control over our responses to the changes that happen around us.