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Increase Emotional Intelligence to enhance workplace growth behaviour

Master Emotional Intelligence at Workplace by applying its dimensions. Leverage awareness and emotional undercurrents to grow beyond the workplace.

It is not surprising any more to read in popular or business media that Emotional Intelligence quotient (EQ) may be more important than IQ in predicting success, quality of relationships, and overall happiness. There are academic studies that show top performers using their EQ more than IQ to achieve sustained results, that a higher EQ leads to higher pay cheques, and EQ has a more than substantial bearing on one’s workplace assessments and promotions.

Emotional Intelligence at Workplace framework on a simple level can be understood as our ability to – recognize and understand our emotions and reactions (self-awareness); manage, control, and adapt our emotions, mood, reactions, and responses (self-management); harness our emotions to motivate ourselves to take appropriate action, commit, follow-through, and work toward the achievement of our goals (motivation); discern the feelings of others, understand their emotions, and utilize that understanding to relate to others more effectively (empathy), and finally to build relationships, relate to others in social situations, lead, negotiate conflict, and work as part of a team (social skills).

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Emotional Intelligence at Workplace is a flagship training program at Bodhih.

Other affiliated behaviour skills training programs at Bodhih derive quite a bit of conceptual grounding through Emotional Intelligence at the Workplace and its specific aspects.

Emotional Intelligence benefits workplace and also has impacts beyond it. More than contributing as a tool for communication or a framework for interpersonal skills, Emotional Intelligence is a gateway to a balanced life. Be it physical health, mental well-being, meaningful relationships, mastering conflict resolution, and building leadership capability; Emotional Intelligence is at work in all these areas.

Can Emotional Intelligence and working with Emotional Intelligence in the workplace be taught and learnt or is it an immutable attribute?

This is one of the discussion topics at Bodhih’s Emotional Intelligence training sessions.

While the effects of nature cannot be denied, Emotional Intelligence as a skill can definitely be learnt and mastered. Bodhih’s workshop touches upon basics of observing feelings, practice responding (instead of reacting), as techniques to delve deeper into the Emotional Intelligence process.

Through facilitator-led presentation, quiz, self-assessment and group activities including videos, learners are instructed on the ‘whole-person’ concept (based on the iceberg model of a person being a sum of four layers, namely, Behaviour – thoughts, emotions – value systems – and finally the Needs)

This powerful session dispels myths and sets up the basics of Emotional Intelligence to gain clarity on what it means to be emotionally mature, thereby setting up discussions on how Emotional Intelligence can be used to build self-awareness, self-management, empathy, motivation, and social skills.

Learners are stepped through two distinct motivation sources that can be harnessed for enhancing Emotional Intelligence, namely, needs or ideals. With practical classroom exercises and quiz, Bodhih’s experts surface how our action signals can be interpreted to either change our perception (how one looks at a certain situation) or change our procedure (how one responds to a certain situation).

How can Emotional Intelligence at Workplace be understood to play a critical role that either sets up or derails teamwork and collaboration?

At Bodhih’s Emotional Intelligence in the workplace training, through group activity and insightful examples participants are guided through the nuances of emotions and their power, hidden motives, the importance of openness, people’s emotional strategies, and dealing with power games in the environment.

Professionals that embody Emotional Intelligence at work better than others understand the relationship between values and emotions, emotional mapping abilities, creating supportive emotions and understanding hands-on techniques to overcome difficult emotions.

Emotional Intelligence in the workplace depends primarily on how professionals manage emotions

The seasoned Trainers at Bodhih, train through group exercise, illustrations, role-plays and feedback. Encourage participants to practice techniques that deal with handling emotions – first self and thereafter others. Through emotional metaphors, learners experience how to shed past baggage and adapt to challenging environments by seeking assessment and feedback.

How can you gain from India’s best Emotional Intelligence seminars and workshops at Bodhih?

Bodhih customizes its Emotional Intelligence benefits training modules along the ADDIE model.

Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, the Emotional Intelligence skills and techniques takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

A deeper and professionally relevant aspect of Emotional Intelligence importance in workplace is also derived from the left brain – right brain dominance theory.

Through facilitator led presentations, participants are explained the latest advances in neuro-researches that talks about how certain skills and traits reside (and function) in specific areas of the human brain. These bio-psychological insights are then expertly woven by Bodhih’s seasoned trainers, to surface how emotional probes (like social feedback, music, facial expressions, shocks, self-belief etc.) play a crucial role in an individual’s self-awareness process. Participants are thereafter encouraged to visualise the impact of applying Emotional Intelligence in real time scenarios.

The edge in Bodhih’s Emotional Intelligence and communications in the workplace program comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights that ensures Emotional Intelligence competency are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long-term benefits are to institutionalise Emotional Intelligence skills that draws link between winning through actions and not through arguments.

What is Bodhih’s promise for Emotional Intelligence and communication at work program?

Bodhih’s Emotional Intelligence training in the workplace powerfully leverages learners’ attention to the prevalent emotional undercurrents and instructs them how to align in favourable positions to maximize opportunities.

Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on Emotional Intelligence report enhancement in the following individual and team behaviours: higher degree of interaction with the ‘whole’ person, efficient handling of emotional situations at work, proactively diffusing potential conflict situations, and developing one’s personality dimensions to enhance workplace growth behaviour.

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Bodhih Training at +91 99000 11601 or [email protected]

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