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Enhance personal effectiveness at work to achieve your goals

Personal effectiveness in the workplace is about learning the art of bringing your inner talents and resources to master your life and achieve both work and life goals.

Probably the single biggest human motivator that drives all our activities are our goals. Across countries and cultures for ages, we spend time, effort and money to achieve our goals. But the same goal can be reached in different ways by different people with different efforts because of a factor called enhancing personal effectiveness.

Successful people are ones that believe that they are the product of their decisions and not the products of their circumstances.


Personal Effectiveness means to take our intrinsic characteristics (talent, knowledge, experience, skills) and give shape to our life and work goals. Personal Effectiveness skills begin with a deeper evaluation of the participant’s strength and interests like examining what they are naturally good at, what others think they are good at, do they know more people that share similar interests as them. The underlying idea is for learners to recognise unrealised strengths, realised strengths, weaknesses and the behaviours that need to be learned.


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Including intellectual capital and knowledge bases available in a company, it is the attention that the top line management brings to people skills that is often the success – failure differentiator. After all, any skill is an ability or behaviour that a person develops through training and experience. It is important in enhancing personal effectiveness.

Can Enhancing Personal Effectiveness in the workplace be taught and learnt?

Yes Enhancing Personal Effectiveness activities in the workplace can be mastered if the requisite learners’ will and skill are present. Bodhih’s Personal Effectiveness training outline underscores the involved elements in a linear progression, namely asking the learners to answer these five questions for themselves:

What do I want to learn/develop?
What will I do to achieve this?
What resources and support do I need?
What will my success criteria be?
By when will I report my target completion?

What are successful Enhancing Personal Effectiveness activities and behaviours?

At Bodhih’s Personal Effectiveness skills training, participants comprehend the building blocks of initiative, time management, self-confidence, flexibility, and presentation skills.
Professionals that embody personal effectiveness do some of these activities far better than their peers because they accept responsibility for their actions, they define success in their own language, they develop a system they trust, they enrol stakeholders and other mentors, they embed routines and rituals, they navigate through interactions with purpose and resolve and finally, they manage stress and setbacks creatively to stay on track.
Developing skills for personal effectiveness meaning opens out for learners in Bodhih’s workshops where three top personal effectiveness competencies are dealt in detail – presentation skills, confidence building and time management.

While there are other aspects to Enhancing Personal Effectiveness like body language, assertive behaviour, active listening, goal setting – all these techniques are dovetailed inside the three primary workshop sections.

Enhancing Personal Effectiveness and self-development depends on how professionals conceptualize, design and deliver a topic.

The seasoned Trainers at Bodhih, train through video presentations, illustrations, and role plays share the conceptual blocks for successful presentations. Be it starting with a startling statistic or a key quotation, participants are encouraged to bring personal stories and anecdotes to enrich their telling, and to resonate with their audiences. Learners are taught how to employ empathic listening, paraphrasing to build on interactivity, and ask questions to involve, establish rapport and support arguments.

How can you gain from India’s best Enhancing Personal Effectiveness skills training at Bodhih?

Bodhih customizes its enhancing personal effectiveness communication and training modules along the ADDIE model.

Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, the enhancing personal effectiveness skills and techniques takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

Personal Effectiveness competency training is understood by participants as an extension of confidence building in their presentations.

Through facilitator led discussions, practice & feedback, learner attentions are focused on clear objectives, breaking delivery into introduction – middle – Summary and inside a timed plan. The class is shown videos of renowned business speakers to emphasise the best practices. Finally, there are practices to control nerves by deep breathing, slowing down, controlling the environment, and having a backup plan.

The edge in Bodhih’s Enhancing Personal Effectiveness training program comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights that ensures personal effectiveness competency are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long-term benefits are to institutionalise personal effectiveness skills that draws link between superior presentation skills, confidence building and managing time expertly.

Through Bodhih’s workshop, participants gain from rich group discussions and insight-filled class exercises on personal effectiveness skills that can be applied with flexibility and inspirational results.

Developing skills for personal effectiveness workshop finally delves into details of managing time well, namely, the challenges, and its complexities as also the associated winning habits. Through group discussions, facilitator led exercises workshop audiences are encouraged to set goals, analytically think through priorities, and are guided through using tools for analytical thinking (cause-effect, mind-map, fish-bone, conclusions-decisions) and coached on using probing techniques to fine-tune their time management goals (by being able to say ‘NO’, carving out ‘personal time’ and maximising ‘waiting time’).

What is Bodhih’s promise for Enhancing Personal Effectiveness workshop?

Bodhih’s Enhancing Personal Effectiveness activities and training takes participants’ real life challenges and empowers them to look inside for talents and strengths to set long term meaningful goals, align daily efforts and focus on the end outcomes with measurable progress.

Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on Enhancing Personal Effectiveness report increase in the following individual and team behaviours: higher acceptance of work responsibility, staying on track under pressure, enrolment of key stakeholders, developing deeper trust systems and maximising interactions.

For Customized Corporate Training Requirements in Soft Skills Training Please Contact

Bodhih Training at +91 99000 11601 or [email protected]

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