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Your Best Choice for Assertiveness Training in India

Table of Contents

How to be assertive in the workplace and take control of your life?

How do you say “NO” comfortably? Be a part of Assertiveness Training and express your feelings, wants and ideas effectively.

Assertiveness Training is part of a behaviour change intervention that draws on communication theory and applied skills designed to help people stand up for themselves. Assertiveness simply stated, is the practice to empower oneself. In more practical terms Assertive training techniques teaches the learner the responses with which he or she can maintain an appropriate balance between passivity and aggression.

Adults grow up in different circumstances. We are after all a product of the hundreds of contexts (professional and personal) that shapes our thinking and consequently our personalities. Have we not at different points felt a sense of shyness, anxiety, fear before speaking our minds openly or stuck with the thought how our expressions and behaviour might be externally interpreted? There are also surely occasions when we have felt intimidated by aggressive behaviour. Our role models in work, life and our society are often individuals that are honest, direct, expressive, spontaneous and self-enhancing. In their presence we feel the stamp of assertiveness.

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Assertiveness skills however are not about understanding the theory alone. It calls for an active and rigorous examination of how an individual perceives him or herself and the world around and from there embark on a deeply personal change journey through an industry-endorsed Assertiveness Training model with specific techniques.

Before we discuss Bodhih’s Assertiveness Training model and involved steps it is important to understand:

What is Assertiveness Training about?

At Bodhih’s Assertiveness Training workshop, participants are at the outset needed to familiarise themselves with the “Assertive Bill of Rights” which amongst other points includes the right to be treated with respect, right to ask for what is needed, and the right to make mistakes. Assertiveness Training thereafter discusses in detail the barriers to being assertive, namely relationship, knowledge, culture, self-stake and beliefs.

The learners begin their assertiveness self-discovery exercise by participating in an insightful role play exercises where they reflect and share their perceptions around self-respect, how others perceive them, and how their own behaviours shape their personal and professional lives. A communication styles inventory establishes the participant’s assertiveness score. Thereafter through the facilitator-led various class activities the importance of non-stop communication is visited where dangers of interpretation are highlighted. The goal of assertiveness skills training is to enable participants to learn to express their rights, requests, opinions, and feelings honestly, directly, and appropriately without violating the rights and self-esteem of others.

Top assertiveness skills are learnt by applying correct basics in assisted classroom exercises.

Assertiveness Training focusses on multiple factors which when combined with practice and deeper contextual knowledge results in consistent assertive behaviour.

Be the specific ways of using voice (quality, volume, pitch, enunciation, pauses), or how to manage facial expressions or eye contact, participants are educated on understanding how hand gestures sets a valuable premise in setting up interpretation patterns.

Bodhih’s seasoned trainers point out ways to leverage communications by nuancing open ended, close ended, and funnel questions with classroom exercises to practice effective questioning techniques. Assertiveness Training skills differentiates direct requests and refusals, determining limitations, reinforcing verbal messages with non-verbal ones, giving and receiving praise, expressing disagreement and anger, and confronting others.

For Assertiveness Training techniques to be effective, it is important to know your learning style.

Bodhih’s Assertiveness Training modules highlight the learner’s learning style – Visual, auditory or a Kinaesthetic learner.

How would you gain from India’s best Assertiveness Training workshops at Bodhih?

Bodhih customizes its Assertiveness Training course along the ADDIE model. Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, the Assertiveness Training takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

Situational response strategies that are highlighted at the assertiveness skills training workshop are constructed around a deeper understanding of Assertiveness Vs Aggression. The popular Assertiveness Training program works on principles of outcome visualisation where learners are educated and encouraged to open minds to newer possibilities and reflect how demonstrating assertiveness helps one to build self-esteem, achieve goals, reduce anxiety, protect from exploitation, and empowers to express, both verbally and non-verbally, a wide range of feelings and thoughts, both positive and negative.

The edge in Bodhih’s assertiveness skills training program comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights that ensures assertiveness skills are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long-term benefits are to institutionalise assertiveness skills by embedding the four assertion types (basic, empathic, escalating, and I-language assertion) in an Individual’s journey to master the art of assertiveness.

Bodhih’s assertiveness skills training shares in detail the four critical stages: Beginning with learner’s realization (realise where changes are needed) to figuring (appropriate situational responses) to practice (assertive responses) and finally going live in real-life scenarios.

What is Bodhih’s promise on their confidence and Assertiveness Training courses?

Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on Assertiveness Training techniques talk of the following individual and team behaviours, namely, a change in expressing personal feelings, being able to say NO confidently & positively and taking upfront measures to prevent manipulation.

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