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Learning styles fall into three categories: Visual Learners, Auditory Learners and Kinesthetic Learners.

Visual Learners prefer the use of images, maps and graphical organizers to access and understand new information.

Auditory Learners best understand new content through listening and speaking through activities such as lectures, group discussions, case studies and role plays.

Kinesthetic Learners best understand information through tactile presentation of information. These are hands-on learners who learn best through figuring out things by practical experience.

This is referred to as the VAK model. Participant preferred learning modes should be matched with appropriate learning strategies as they have significant influence on their behavior and learning. Identifying your participants as visual, auditory or kinesthetic learners and aligning your overall training curriculum with these learning styles will prove to be beneficial for the entire classroom. By understanding what kind of learners your participants are, you can gain a better perspective on how to implement these learning styles into your session plans and study techniques.

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