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Learners with a high transfer motivation will leave the training with a strong feeling of commitment, and the mindset of “Yes, I want to put this into practice! Sometimes this often gets overlooked while preparing a training program.

As Trainers, we provide our learners with all the important content they need for specific training.  We sometimes forget to plan for how to increase motivation for those attending the training. So, how can we, as Trainers and Coaches, support our trainees to say “Yes, I want to apply what I have learned into practice?  Here are few ideas to consider:-

  • It is powerful to increase motivation by encouraging self-initiative. Maybe we could introduce a motivational letter as a pre-assignment task to complete before training or include that as part of a short questionnaire on what their expectations are?
  • It is important to make sure we use supportive and benefit-oriented wording and that the benefits and value of the training are clearly communicated.
  • Have a testimonial from a previous participant on how the training proved successful!

To sum up, planning for a training motivation is an activity that might sometimes fall in the shadows when designing a training program.  But a bit of fine-tuning on this will go a long way in ensuring the success of the program.  Kudos to all those who are effectively implementing these already!

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