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Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. If you never try then you will never succeed. The first failure is to be considered as a motivator instead of an obstacle and to be looked from the right perspective. The utmost accomplishments through the history of mankind all started with the decision to try. Great men and women knew that there was a chance they would fail on their first attempt but they did not allow this to stop them from trying. Harbouring the feeling of defeat will fall victim to the circumstances.
We can miss out on the best times of our lives by focusing on all our misfortunes and dwelling on those things that we cannot change. As we experience life’s challenges we must remain positive and keep moving forward, yet with each challenge take the valuable lessons we have learned and apply them to our life. Live each day believing that we are winning in every area of our lives. Never allow our temporary situation to dominate our everyday thoughts. Take back the power and show gratitude for each day given to create the life we want. It’s so easy to complain about all the things going wrong in our life and realize that complaining doesn’t change our situation. Stop complaining and begin writing down the vision which could lead to a success story. We all have an appointment with success, but many fail to write down their vision and find themselves chasing things of little substance. It’s important to prepare ourselves for greater opportunities.
Encourage yourself in tough times and regardless of what you are facing you won’t fall victim to your circumstance. Use your time and energy towards things that are uplifting and that will challenge you to go to the next level. What you focus on the most is what will grow, so stay focused and shut out all distractions that will cause you to get off track. Many times, we say what we want, but never write down the vision or take the necessary steps to achieve our goals. This step is vital, so as you start your journey and things begin to unfold according to your vision, you will then be able to see how close you are to making your dream a reality.
Everything and anything that seems impossible can easily become reality, it just depends on how determined you are. If you’re doing everything you can to achieve it; all your crazy and unreachable dreams can get closer, within reach; and ultimately, they become reality. And once you reach them, set new ones and start again. There’s really nothing you can’t do if you just set your mind to it. Practice makes perfect, and history has shown that when you are motivated enough you can perfect any skill or task that you set your mind to and succeed.

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